November 30, 2023: Revenue Recognition and Grant Management

Joyce Ripianzi, CPA, Lauren M. Duplin, CPA, and Amy Staunton, CPA, from AAFCPAS, will give the presentation about revenue recognition and grant management and systems to support those functions.

They are experts in the field of non-profit accounting and management including accounting solutions, best practices, auditing and compliance standards, and non-profit finance.

The presentation will touch on the following topics:

1)     The principles of non-profit revenue recognition

2)     Information about Systems that do some or all of the following:

  • Collect the key data related to each grant (restrictions, conditions, whether it is a contribution or an exchange transaction) and appropriately code activity in the GL
  • Determine and meet reporting and other requirements
  • Separately record and report out on grant expenditures
  • Apply approved indirect costs
  • Calculate and release revenue from restricted to unrestricted and deferred to unrestricted (if applicable)
  • Manage differences between the grant life and fiscal years
  • Provide schedules for audit purposes
  • Maintain grant records (proposals, award letters, reports, etc.)

Presentation Materials

October 26, 2023: Cash Management Strategies and Tools

This month we will have a panel of experts who will share their knowledge and experience on how to manage the working capital resources that keep your organization running on a day-to-day basis. In more practical terms, what strategies and tools can be used so that cash doesn’t sit idle in an operating checking account or a  low-interest bank savings account.  Our panel will include:

  • Karen Kelley, Vice President of Operations, the McGovern Foundation
  • Mark Paley, Director of Administration and Finance, the Hyams Foundation
  • Todd Ellis, Managing Director of Client Accounting Services, Walter Shuffain CPAs
  • Thatcher Freeborn, Managing Director, SVB a division of First Citizens Bank


Cash Management Slides

Sample Cash Management Policy

Sample Investment Policy

September 28, 2023: Enhancing Health Benefits While Managing Costs

Ronnie Meyers, a co-founder and broker on the Benefits Success Team at FH Insurance will present strategies for designing health benefits, and, in particular, health insurance plans.  Ronnie will share considerations for health benefit strategy, plan designs, customizing benefits to reflect organizational values, and creative use of tools, such as HRA’s, to address gaps or to further support employees’ well-being.  In addition to cost-savings, Ronnie will speak to ways your broker may be able to provide support both management and employees, including open enrollment presentations, individual guidance, serving as a resource throughout the year, and facilitating claims.

Presentation Materials

June 29, 2023: Cyber Awareness Training

Come learn about the biggest cybersecurity risks businesses face today, the most common methods hackers & thieves use and what you can do to defend yourself and your organization.

Presenter: Mike Bistis is a Service Desk Manager at OunceIT. Mike joined OunceIT in November 2022 after 11 years of providing IT support for independent financial advisors. While his degree may be in Communication, he spent many of his formative years tinkering with PCs and small electronics, leading him to pursue a career in IT during undergrad.