NPFM Steering Committee

Do you want to become more involved in leading this group? Our Steering Committee is composed of a few NPFM members responsible for the direction of the group and the logistics of meetings, including speakers, program content, lunch, reports of meetings, and mailings to members. The steering committee is also responsible for daily operations and has decision-making authority. Participation in the steering committee is voluntary.

The following is a list of steering committee members:

Beverly Andrade, PRIM&R

Kristen Balash, American Antiquarian Society

Rosemarie Boardman, Boston Improvement District

Corey Fick, Independent Nonprofit Consultant

Karen Kelley Gill, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

Anne Lyness, Mass Design Group

Orson Moon, Grassroots International

Anne Murphy, Independent Nonprofit Consultant

John Roch, East Boston Social Centers

Michelle Zhang, Asian Community Development Corporation